This following statement explains why I made this rap...enjoy.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
God bless America,
Land that I love,
Stand beside her and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above;
Verse 1
Welcome to America, the most segregated melting pot
Where the diversity in our society is left out to rot
Where MTV controls individuality, like it or not
And freedom of expression is something we forgot
Welcome to America, with our most bias ideology
With our judgmental mentality, we look down on societies,
Who chooses not to agree, on our way to run their country
We can suggest new democracies with our military
Welcome to America, where we ignore our constitution
Where the bailing out banks is a legal economic solution
I had it with congressional bull shit, never any resolutions
Where our censored media gives the country delusions
Understand I’m not Anti-American, the opposite is true
From Cali to N.C, I love the Red, White, and Blue
I don’t hate my country, this isn't true at all
I’m just using the first Amendment, so America doesn’t fall
Verse 2
Welcome to America, with our straight edge history
Where our past economy was based off of slavery
Where the manifest destiny bought so much misery
And universal rights were denied to all minorities
Welcome to America, land of a progressive kind
Where some schools still have intelligent design
Where homosexuality is negativity in most minds
And our math and science programs are so far behind
Welcome to America, land of the silent voice
Where the lack of knowledge is something that’s rejoiced
Where the patriot act leads us to be devoiced
Where citizens are apathetic by their own choice
Understand I’m not Anti-American, the opposite is true
From Cali to N.C, I love the Red, White, and Blue
I don’t hate my country, this isnt true at all
I’m just using the first Amendment, so America doesn’t fall
Hold up……yeah my country is corrupt….but so is every other one……we still are the land of the free and home of the brave. Governmental ideology doesn’t control our society. The people are in control. The real America isn’t controlled by D.C. office buildings or New York banks, but the souls of people who fight for what is free, fair, and simply right. It’s the people that bring hope. It’s the people bring progress. Its the people that make the real america.
Verse 3
Welcome to America, the land of the free
Where we fought for our country at Normandy
Where immigrants gained hope form Lady Liberty
And for those who choose to be, filled with diversity
Welcome to America, home of the brave
We decided to be divided, over the rights of slaves
Well, cuz of the organ trail, our future was paved
And because of the constitution, our freedoms are saved
Welcome to America, a land of inspiration
Where we can all have a life filled with satisfaction
Where the impossible is possible for the entire nation
But it’s up to the people, to stand up and take action
Understand I’m not Anti-American, the opposite is true
From Cali to N.C, I love the Red, White, and Blue
I don’t hate my country, this isn't true at all
I’m just using the first Amendment, so America doesn’t fall
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam,
God bless America,
My home, sweet home.
God bless America,
My home, sweet home.
This is gonna be anything I decide to post up. Songs, Poems, News Articles, Old Papers, My deepest though as well as Humorous Stories. Just take some time out of your day and read my thoughts.
About Me

- Devin K. Phillips
- Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
- What to say about me. I'm just an Individual who loves talking about Music, Politics, Social Issues, as well as any and everything Interesting. But Read My Blog and I think you'll get a better picture of me.
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Ballad of a Disenfranchised Man Child
It’s funny; I have nothing important to say.
As I walk lost through life every single day.
Although, that reality produced by not my own choice.
The world is too closed minded to hear a different voice.
While walking with love and compassion, to push on through the bull shit.
But from time to time, one will just get sick and tired of it.
When your interactions with everyone just prove that the opposite is true.
You lose a part of our soul, and suddenly you are not you.
So you turn onto the long on the path of discovery, to find that identity.
And you forgot about the ideologies that were engrained by your family.
I do miss when I had Mother Mary guiding me and my views.
But when your faith morphs into control, I don’t have a clue.
What or who to believe to is true. So what do will I do?
When its hard to trust enough in anything to turn your soul to.
Becoming found when its easy being lost is such a commitment.
Which is why you walk along the path of disenfranchisement.
Not being true to yourself just creates self resentment.
So you walk alone on the path of disenfranchisement.
Its easy to reach a destination you have never reached.
But its harder to practice what you simply preach.
If caring hurts, then its natural to feel the pain to live above people’s vain.
To feel so much that it hurts, can drive any enlightened man insane.
There a great difficulty accepting reality that simply surround around me.
Like the society is a false hierarchy which in turns kills individuality.
Like how T.V. molds youthful individuality into a mass conformity.
Or how it’s so arbitrary to revolve your life to the pursuit of the monetary.
If the pursuit of money is the root of all evil, where the hope for humanity?
Yet the naive minds walk around with a false since of superiority.
And since what’s different is wrong, there is a subconscious authority.
Since mass of sheeple can’t think, which makes this world extremely scary?
Why educate yourself on the world politics, if people are just apathetic.
But not caring is just pathetic, and it’s embedded not to regret it.
Yet trying to change the world’s ignorance’s is just in impossible feat.
But this war is worth dying for, since we already live in defeat.
Not falling victim to the sorrows around you is such a commitment.
Which is why walk along the path of disenfranchisement
Not being true to yourself just creates self resentment.
So you walk alone along the path of disenfranchisement.
It’s easy to reach a destination you have never reached.
But it’s harder to practice what you simply preach.
It’s easy to reach a destination you have never reached.
But it’s harder to practice what you simply preach.
As I walk lost through life every single day.
Although, that reality produced by not my own choice.
The world is too closed minded to hear a different voice.
While walking with love and compassion, to push on through the bull shit.
But from time to time, one will just get sick and tired of it.
When your interactions with everyone just prove that the opposite is true.
You lose a part of our soul, and suddenly you are not you.
So you turn onto the long on the path of discovery, to find that identity.
And you forgot about the ideologies that were engrained by your family.
I do miss when I had Mother Mary guiding me and my views.
But when your faith morphs into control, I don’t have a clue.
What or who to believe to is true. So what do will I do?
When its hard to trust enough in anything to turn your soul to.
Becoming found when its easy being lost is such a commitment.
Which is why you walk along the path of disenfranchisement.
Not being true to yourself just creates self resentment.
So you walk alone on the path of disenfranchisement.
Its easy to reach a destination you have never reached.
But its harder to practice what you simply preach.
If caring hurts, then its natural to feel the pain to live above people’s vain.
To feel so much that it hurts, can drive any enlightened man insane.
There a great difficulty accepting reality that simply surround around me.
Like the society is a false hierarchy which in turns kills individuality.
Like how T.V. molds youthful individuality into a mass conformity.
Or how it’s so arbitrary to revolve your life to the pursuit of the monetary.
If the pursuit of money is the root of all evil, where the hope for humanity?
Yet the naive minds walk around with a false since of superiority.
And since what’s different is wrong, there is a subconscious authority.
Since mass of sheeple can’t think, which makes this world extremely scary?
Why educate yourself on the world politics, if people are just apathetic.
But not caring is just pathetic, and it’s embedded not to regret it.
Yet trying to change the world’s ignorance’s is just in impossible feat.
But this war is worth dying for, since we already live in defeat.
Not falling victim to the sorrows around you is such a commitment.
Which is why walk along the path of disenfranchisement
Not being true to yourself just creates self resentment.
So you walk alone along the path of disenfranchisement.
It’s easy to reach a destination you have never reached.
But it’s harder to practice what you simply preach.
It’s easy to reach a destination you have never reached.
But it’s harder to practice what you simply preach.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Coming Of Age
I origionally posted this on Facebook on Feb 23 2010 on facebook. Its my favorite poem I ever wrote.
There is really no need to explane this poem when you are probably having these same thoughs yourself. Enjoy reading this.
Coming of AgeHave
You Ever Woke Up One DayAnd You Suddenly Realize
You were so innocent and naive But now you open your eyes
And the whole world looks different
An Ugly Truth is now hereYou see how the world really is
But you’re not sad that things are clear
But you’re not depressed or say and it’s not that your even pissed
It’s just a difficult understandingHow things like stereotypes honestly do exist
And when you look at your refectionIt’s a different face every time
Not knowing this personIt’s consistently on your mind
So you look inside you self
But what you see is somehow scary
But it’s what you need to doJust for that formal clarity
For the first time it’s relevant
But self discovery never ends
That beautiful and difficult process
Is just confusing when it begins
At 17 your were the Jesus of Suburbia
Now you are like a rolling stone
Not having a purpose or direction
Can make anyone fell alone
But at the same time you feel liberated
Feelings of freedom independence is great
It’s just an endless selection of opportunities
Ironically, that though is what you hate
And you core beliefs are now challenged
New theories to answer the question “Why?”
You’re not saying what parent’s ways thoughAre necessary though a “lie”
Older generations told you this in the past
And it’s now just starting to sink in
But you have a lot to learn nowAbout how the world truly spins
¼ of your life is now completed
Your childhood is now has parted
But don’t worry where your destination ends
Because your journeys has just now started
And everyone you knowIs currently on the same page
Because we’re all thinking the same things
When you are coming of Age
There is really no need to explane this poem when you are probably having these same thoughs yourself. Enjoy reading this.
Coming of AgeHave
You Ever Woke Up One DayAnd You Suddenly Realize
You were so innocent and naive But now you open your eyes
And the whole world looks different
An Ugly Truth is now hereYou see how the world really is
But you’re not sad that things are clear
But you’re not depressed or say and it’s not that your even pissed
It’s just a difficult understandingHow things like stereotypes honestly do exist
And when you look at your refectionIt’s a different face every time
Not knowing this personIt’s consistently on your mind
So you look inside you self
But what you see is somehow scary
But it’s what you need to doJust for that formal clarity
For the first time it’s relevant
But self discovery never ends
That beautiful and difficult process
Is just confusing when it begins
At 17 your were the Jesus of Suburbia
Now you are like a rolling stone
Not having a purpose or direction
Can make anyone fell alone
But at the same time you feel liberated
Feelings of freedom independence is great
It’s just an endless selection of opportunities
Ironically, that though is what you hate
And you core beliefs are now challenged
New theories to answer the question “Why?”
You’re not saying what parent’s ways thoughAre necessary though a “lie”
Older generations told you this in the past
And it’s now just starting to sink in
But you have a lot to learn nowAbout how the world truly spins
¼ of your life is now completed
Your childhood is now has parted
But don’t worry where your destination ends
Because your journeys has just now started
And everyone you knowIs currently on the same page
Because we’re all thinking the same things
When you are coming of Age
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