This is gonna be anything I decide to post up. Songs, Poems, News Articles, Old Papers, My deepest though as well as Humorous Stories. Just take some time out of your day and read my thoughts.
About Me

- Devin K. Phillips
- Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
- What to say about me. I'm just an Individual who loves talking about Music, Politics, Social Issues, as well as any and everything Interesting. But Read My Blog and I think you'll get a better picture of me.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My S.S.W.I: Switching Seats While Intoxicated.
It was Oct. 30, 2009, one day before Halloween, and one of my buddies was having a get together before he was sent off to the Navy. Well, naturally me and my friends wanted to send him a proper good bye by having a few drinks with him before he was sent off.
Well, I decided to take my friends Mike and Rodney with me to this gathering. Mike and Rodney natually didn't have a car, so I decided to drive. We drive up to Davidson and arive to our destination. Well, once we get there we procide to walk inside and I ask Rodney if he minded driving my car back home because I wanted to drink. He said he wouldn't mind, and that he would drive my car back home.
That was mistake one, If you ever decide to drive your car to a destination, you have to take the responsibily to drive your friends home as well, well being young and simply a dumb ass I didn't do that.
That get together that night was a pretty fun time. We all had a few drinks, caught out with some old friends, hung out with some German girls, but most importantly said bye to my friend Dyami who was about to be shipped out to the Navy. When the party ended, we all left with Rodney driving my car, myself in the pansager seat, and Mike in the back seat.
Rodney then gets on I-77 south bound heading a few miles towards are exit in Huntersville. He was sober enough to drive, so I wasn't worried at all about him crashing my car, or worst which would for him to harm another individual. He naturally turns up some Lil Wayne, and start blasting "Best Rapper Alive". He contineue to drive below the speed limit until all of a sudden he screams out, "Holy Shit." I then realize a Cop is flashing his lights behind us as Rodney slows down and pulls over the side of the of the interstate.
Once Rodney pulls over the car, he then turns to me and says, "Oh shit, I don't have a licence, switch seats with me."
Let me mention this right quickly. I temporally forgot that my friend did not have a licence when he volunteered to drive my car home. Again, when I gave my permission to drive my car, I forget he did not have a licence. I do not understand why he would volunteer to drive my car if he did not have a valid licence. But that's beside the point. Anyway, back to my story.
Well, I then decide to switch seats with my friend. Yes, I switch seats in front of two cops in a tiny Jetta with my friend. It was more then obvious that the cops saw us, went up to both Rodney and I, told us to get out of the car, and arrested us on the spot. We get assisted to the back of the cop car where he drives us off to the police station a mile away. As for our friend Mike who was in the back of the car at the time, the cops leave him on the side of the interstate for him to find a ride.
Rodney then said the funniest thing in my life. He turns to me and says "Devin, your officially black now, you finally got arressted." I then bust out laughing in the back of the cop car.
We continue to drive to the police station and the cops question start questioning about the night.. We then proceeds to tell the cops the story of why we switch seats. Soon after the cop turns to me and says these words. "Props to you kids for looking out for your buddy, I would of probably have done the same thing when I was your age."
Well, I guess I'm glad the cop the same cop that arrested me was in approval of the situation that caused me to get arrested by him. But that didn't stop him from taking us downtown and having us wait to be bailed out by our friend's sister.
I ended up losing my licence for a month and had to go to court. While this was the first time I was ever arrested, I ended up using my prayer for judgement and got off with only a fine under 200 dollars and single driving class. It wasn't until after after my court date that I found out the reason why we got arrested.
And the reason is because my dad had a warrant for his arrested. Apparently my dad just decide not to go to court two years after being sued over a misunderstanding between himself and former therapist of mine.
-Don't ask why my dad got sued by my therapist. I can proudly say it didn't have anything to do with me though.The reason can be possibly be relieved in a future blog post.-
Well, since my car is in both mine and my fathers name, when the cops ran our licence plate, it notified them that my father had a warrant for his arrest. That caused the cops to have a probable cause to pull us over.
Yes, the reason why we got pulled over was not even because of my friends driving. It was because my dad just didn't go to court. And the reason why I got a D.W.I was not because I was driving while intoxicated, It was because I decided to switch seats with my friend who was.
And was this experience worth it. Yes, It motivated me to stop partying so much and get my shit together in school as well as made me realize that life is more then just the next drunken outing. This D.W.I made me realize I am at a point in my life where I need to start focusing on what I need to progress to the next step in life. In short, this D.W.I caused me to mature as a person really fast.
But most importantly,all my friends from my hometown which have been calling me white for years; well being arrested for this D.W.I. caused them officially recognize me as a Black Man.
And you don't really understand how important that is to someone who hasbeen called white for the last 7 years of your life.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
If your don't enjoy Holidays Meals at Golden Corral........Then Fuck You
Earlier that week, my sister stole a large sum of money from my dads checking account. The reason she did is is wrong, yet I feel it was quite justifiable giving her situation. Well, by the time Thanksgiving came around, my Dad and little sister were perfectly content with not doing anything for Thanksgiving because of the lack of finances.
Myself though, was not going to let that stand.
I went to the local ATM and took out about $40, which was almost all money and went back home. I told them we are going to have a meal as a family, and you will enjoy it. We all decided to go out to golden corral to eat. Once at the buffet restaurant, we chit chatted and a general good time enjoying our meals with truckers, widowed elderly men, and really cheap red-neck family.
That night my Thanksgiving got even better. I had a good friend that moved to Wilmington two years earlier who I haven't seen since he left. Anyway, he called me that night because he was in town, and we met up. We ended up catching up for almost an hour on my front porch talking about life, which also happen to be one of the most meanful convosations I had with a person during that year.
After me and Jake eat at Golden Corral, we ended up going to Fox and Hound to have a few beers with my friend Rob and my friend Rodney's mom. (Rodney didn't have a valid I.D. then, so I beleived he couldn't go out drinking with us). After having a few drinks, we ended up going out seperate ways.
Doesn't sound to amazing of a day does it? But it was. Two days earlier I thought I was going to have the worst Thanksgiving of my life, but it ended up being the total and complete opposite. I saw a friend I havn't seen in two years, and had an awsome meal with my family during one of the worst situations we have been though during our lives.
And If you don't understand why my Thanksgiving meal at Golden Corral is totally and completly fuckin awsome.
Well............fuck you then.
Waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
This is not the first time I woke up having suicidal thoughts. I been having them more and more these past two weeks. I tried to clear my head of them this morning by going for a run. I got in my car and started to drive off to the park, yet, I couldn't get enough motivation in myself to pursue that simple activity.I then decided to turn the car around an precede back to my house. I then debated going to Harris Teeter and buying a shit done of pills for me to take all at once, and maybe some cough syrup to wash them down with. I wouldn't take enough that would kill me, but only enough that would cause me to pass out for the rest of the day. I then soon realize that substance isn't an answer to my pain inside, and continue to go back home.
A year ago I would of taken those pills, but today I didn't. I would of took those pills, turned off my phone, and lay in such a high state that I didn't because I realized the real reason why I would want to do that for myself.
The reason why I would want to do that to myself is for attention, yet, its attention that I don't want from my friends or family. I don't want people knowing I get in these states, yet it will be nice for people to really do know how low I get at times.
You see, when someone suffers from depression like myself, they get into moods where I literally lose track on all the good things in there life. They forget about the friends they have and the family which cares about them. They forget about the movies they love, the music that moves them, and even the little things in your day that make you smile like kit-kat bar from the gas station. You literally stop caring about everything.
Yet, there are few things I realized when I get in these states. One of them is its only temporary, and these felling will end soon. I only need to ride the waves through them. The second thing I realized is that I became really good at hiding my emotions. I'm sure the people I work with, my friends, and my family can tell that I'm having a bad day, but there really is no point for me to go in detail of what I really feel on the inside. Believe me, it really gets old when people ask you whats wrong, when they don't really care to listen to what you honestly have to say. The third things I readied is talking it out with people doesn't do me much help any more. The majority of people just don't know how I feel, and asking them for help is just a waste of all there time. That is why I didn't call any of them when I pretty close to buying those pills.
And that what comes to my biggest problem I face in life. I just tend to bottle up all my emotions all the time. I bottle up and bottle up until I literally explode in a rage of anger and depression. But can you blame me? Can you? Other then writing, I have no outlet for my true emotional state. I have a few people I can depend on, but they even get tired of the bull shit after a while.
I get so frustrated going to my friends with my emotional bull shit because they just don't know how I really feel on the inside. I'm tired of hearing things like, "Devin, you just analyze your life to much." or "Devin, just snap out of it, things are going well for you, so you shouldn't get depressed." My favorite is "Devin, we had this convocation before, and I just don't know how to help you". But they seem to say it in a manor in which they don't want to face that conservation because they get tired of my emotional bull shit.
Yet, when I do something completely irrational like take a shit tone of sleeping pills, that's when my friends freak out. They ask me "why would you do this to yourself, don't you understand that people care about you". Yet the whole time they express how much they cared about me, the whole time I'm thinking I tried to tell you a few weeks ago, but you just didn't want to hear me vent for a half hour or so. Thais why people who suffer from depression start to withdraw from there friends. They give up on turning to them as a support system because they realize they can't help you become happy. Only you can make yourself become happy.
Again, only you can make yourself become happy.
And I learned that truth in one of the hardest manors possible.
But the fact of the matter is people who suffer from depression go through cycles where they get lose all there motiatation and want to give up on "life" And even though a individual who suffers from depression is doing any and everything possible to get themselves happy, they still are going to get in those cycles in which they simply depressed as fuck
So what am I going to to do today. I don't know. I might just sit around and smoke cigarettes and watch movies in a pool of self pity. On a plus side, when I'm in moods like this, that is when I am most motivated as a writer. I will probably end up doing that the majority of the day. If I do get the energy to go hang out with someone, I'm not going to tell them whats really on my mind. I'm simply going to smile, keep the convocations on the surface, and simply move through my day.
Yet swimming in a pool of self pity is better then floating on cloud 9 high on a bunch of drug store pills. And a year ago, I would be high off my ass right now crying on the ground asking god why no one in this worlds understand how alone, insecure, and simply feel worthless at time. But as the years go on, I learned how to manage my lows more to prevent substances as an answer for my depression.
Plus the last time I used pills for an answer, I ended up in a psychiatric hospital for two weeks. And from my lows from depression in the past, I learned what not to do to end up back inside that psychiatric hospital.
It's funny, In a few days I'm going to go over and read this wanting to smack myself for posting this, but I need to put this online. I need this to reflect when I'm in a better mental state for me to realized how depressed I was, and how close I was to doing something irrational. And i'm sure no one is going to read this post anyway, but if they do I wan't them to try to get an inside on how I really feel at times. I want them to have an incite to a Devin that few people know or see. An incite to a Devin that he tries not to show many people. An incite to a Devin that people wouldn't never expect was in him, but is there.
Who knows, maybe by 4:00 p.m. I will be my usual happy self again. Maybe I will still be in that pool of self pity. What really matters is whats going on with now, which is me using writing as a tool for my depression, in stead of substance.
I think a few minutes after I post this, I'm going to try to go for a walk today in a park in south Charlotte. Maybe even pay a game of disc golf by myself to take my mind off of shit
I'm sure that will make me smile.
And a smile is honestly the best cure for a depressed individual.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Manic Confessions
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Tale of my Jr. Prom
To start this post off, I should inform you during the second half of my Jr. year of High School, I developed two huge crushes on two different girls. One was this nice, humble African American Girl who would later become our senior class president, and is currently involved with the Democratic Party of the United States of America . The second one was this crazy white bitch who used to skip every day and come into our English class high as hell, sell me pot in the years after graduation, who is currently producing Dub step in Charlotte North Carolina. Out of respect for the both of them, I won't post there names on this post
Around February of 2006, I saw humble black girl X randomly outside waiting for a ride after school. I was friends with her back in 8Th grade, and haven't spoken to her in 2 years until this meeting. We started chit chatting, and I ended the conversation saying we should hang out on Birkdale (which is an outdoor mall located in my hometown) this Sunday just to catch up. We hung out later that week, and with plans on hanging out again.
I came to school that next week happy knowing that I might have someone that I might could possibly be dating in the next few months. I went around telling all my friends about her, and they all agreed she would be a good fit for me. She told a few friend about our outing, including her best friend at the time who was in my math class. I distinctly remember to this day that her best friend told me, "humble black girl X tends to lead on guys all the time, so don't get your hopes up." If I would listen to her advice up front, then I would avoid a lot of problems later on.
At the same time, I was developing a huge crush on crazy white bitch X. I never knew why I started liking her so much. I don't really remember ever hanging out with her in High School, and the extent of our friendship was small talk in English class and conversation over Aim. But dispute the fact I honestly didn't know her that well, I still developed an huge crush on her.
Well, during the next few weeks, I hung out with humble black girl X a few more times, and talk to her over the phone every other night. Around March, I decided to ask her to prom. She politely said no, and told me she was going to go with her gay best friend. While a little upset and off put that she choose to go to a gay guy me over prom, I was quite prescient that she would change her mind and end up going with me.
A week or two later, we kept hanging out and such. Then one night, she decided to show me her prom dress before she showed anyone else outside her family, including her homosexual date. I took that as a sign that she wanted to go with me more. She ended up getting this green dress which she looked gorgeous in. Well, that motivated me to go a head and buy a matching green vest for my tux.
Yes, I bough a matching vest for a girl that wasn't my date to the prom, but don't worry, the story gets better.
Since humble black girl X decided not to go with me to prom, I decided to randomly ask crazy white bitch X. Since she honestly didn't know me well, she said no, and told me she was going to go with her best friend at the time. I understood that, and quite honestly didn't expect her to say yes to me when I ask her prom that day. But I figured the worst she could say no....and that what she did.
The weeks went by, and prom was just a few days away. I ended up decided to go with a few friends of mine in an SUV we rented. One of them had a date, the others date canceled on him last minute, and myself was single.
After a nice dinner at a semi fancy Chinese restaurant, ended up at our destination. The prom was being held in Bank of America Stadium, where the Carolina Panthers played there home games. We proceed inside, I dance with a few friends, and start having a good time.
I end up seeing random black girl X and start dancing with her for a few songs. After that I walk around the ball room, talk to a few more friends, and end up seeing crazy white bitch X. I think I had once dance with crazy white bitch X until she proposed something to me.
She turned to me and said, "hey, I have some coke in my purse, do you want to try some."
At that time, I have never done, nor seen cocaine in my life. But I wasn't thinking rationally at the time. Instead of saying no, I took this as a change to get to know my crush better. So I agreed to decide to do coke with her.
She was about to give me the bag, until I told her I was uncomfortable doing it by myself. Then one of us decided that we should just do it together inside of one of the bathroom stalls. So thinking that was a smart idea at the time, we both rush over to the male bathroom and huddle inside one of the stalls. She pulls it out and is about to do it, until I get a change of heart.
I then went up to her and said, "I'm not going to let you do this to yourself. I am not going to let you ruin your life." She responded with "It's really not a big deal, and I already spent 50 bucks on it so I'm going to get my moneys worth." "I responded with, "Here is 30 dollars, take this, I'll give you the other 20 by Monday.
We continue to argue until we here a knock on our bathroom stall. Instead of flushing the coke, crazy white bitch X simply puts it back inside her purse. We open the stall and we see two cops and our high school principle. He ask us both to step outside, so we did as we were told.
The cops started asking us why we were in the stall yelling at here. Then out of no where, I somehow bull shitted my ass off to prevent us from getting expelled form school and gaining a felony. I told the cops that she was my girl friend, and I just saw her making out with another guy. I then told them she saw me see her making out, and decided to follow me so that she could explain her actions. I then told her to avoid her, I ran inside the bathroom, but she decided to come and follow me in there anyway.
Then the cops ask us if we had any illegal substances on us. I said no, and crazy white bitch X said that she did have a aderal pill on her. She pulls out a mint can out of her purse and shows the officer the pill. The cops continue to question us for a few minutes, including the following two.
The cops then asked me why is her eyes so dilated. I responded with, "I don't know, that's the way they always are."
The cop then asked me, "Is she always this weird." I responded simply with "Yep."
The cops then said we were free to go, and for us to go about our day.
For the rest of the prom told a few friend that story, dance a little bit more, and went home to sleep.
And incase your wondering, I did not get laid that night unlike the majority of my peers that night.
And to put the icing on the cake, even despite my anti drug speech in the stall of the male bathroom, she ended up the snorting the coke with her friends that night.
The next Monday, the whole school found out about the story. I even remember kids in my psychology class at the time talking about it. This red neck kid went up to me saying "did you hear that crazy white bitch X tried to sell coke at prom?" I responded with "No, can you please tell me what happen." And right before he was able to explain the rumor he heard, the most stereotypical "scene kid" at our school turns to me and says, "what are you talking about, that was you in the bathroom stall."
Then that kid said one of the funniest things I have heard in my life.
He then said, "I just find this whole situation funny."
I responded with a very perplex tone of "Why."
He then simply said, "It's funny because your Devin."
Because of those events, that promoted me to not attend my Senior prom that next year. Still to this day, I felt that was a good idea.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Load Up On Gruges, And Bringing Your Friends
For most cases, when I have a friend move to a different state for a job and for school, I am usually totally excited to see them move on to the next step of life. But for this girl, its different. I honestly don't want her to go, at least not yet.
For the 10 of the last 12 months, I tried to get her totally and completely out of my life. The reasons in which I wanted to stop talking to her are very complex to say the least. Part of it is was she really was a shitty friend at times to me, part of with many emotional issues not related to her at all, and part of it was my immaturity to move past irrelevant issues of the past, and hold a grudge. I stop talking to her, deleted her number from my cell phone. Deleted her off facebook. And I would not go out drinking or attend a party in which I know she would be there. Around March of this year, I thought that I would never talk to her again and be perfectly content with it. It was want I wanted at the time, and I put myself in a position to make it perfectly clear I never wanted to associated with her again, and I succeeded.
Then life hit me like a ton of bricks. I found out that it was possible that I had developed a form of cancer, and it wasn't until that moment when I wanted to talk to her again. I remember that day I wanted to pick up my phone and call her, but I couldn't. I couldn't because I basically told her to completely and totally fuck off for the last 8 months of my life. I only told a few people about the scare, yet one of the people that I knew would care about an issue like that I put myself in a position not to be able to.
A few days later, I found out I didn't have cancer, and decided to write her a letter trying to save the friendship. She read it, and forgave me. I was honestly she did forgive me because if someone basically told me go fuck themselves for 8 or 9 months, I would be very reluctant o let them back into my life. But for whatever reason, she did, and I'm grateful for that.
Since then we hung out once or twice, and basically hung out like this whole thing didn't happen.
But looking back now, my actions towards her wasn't worth it at all. Instead of trying to fix the issues at the time I had with her, I thought she didn't deserve that respect from me and ignoring her was the best option. This was the first time I really and truly turned a back on a friend, and what did I get from it, nothing.
I lost 9 months with someone who was a big part of my life go down the shitter. Drinks at the bars every 2 or 3 weeks just to have a good time never happened the random movie once in a blue moon was never seen, and enjoy a simple lunch and small talk was eaten with someone else.
Now she is moving to the rocky mountains. Where I might only see her only a handful of times probably for the rest of my life. I'll probably be able to give her a proper goodbye over a drink or two to wish her good luck in the future in the next few days, but that doesn't do justice for 9 months with her not apart of my life. At the end of all this, I'm glad were still friends, it just really really starting to sink in that I'm going to miss someone that I sincerely cared about though the majority of my college career.
The point of this post is to stress that no one should ever hold a grudge for any reason. Holding a grudge is never worth anything unless you enjoy being resentful and bitter.
And its not a good feeling once you move past it and are willing to let someone back into your life, they already moved on to better opportunities with there life, with you not a prominent member in it anymore.
I guess the only positive from this situation is that I learned this lession at 22 years of age, instead of later on in life. Everything happends for a reason, maybe one day I real realized the real reasons for my actions towards her. Until then the only thing I can do is accept how things on and continue progressing towards whatever my life is destined for.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Greatest Reason Ever for Someone to Go to Court
About a month a go, I met a random girl at one of the house shows at the place I'm crash at for the summer. We started talking out idea for 10 minutes, then I invited her inside my car to listen to some music. Well, on the way to my car I decided to bring my half open beer with me inside my car. I start playing some Portigal. The man, and we start making out. Well, after we started making out I decided to drive off somewhere so that I could continued to get to know this girl I just met. I was a little tipsy at the time, but well under a .08 so I know if I was to drive, I was not putting my self, this awesome girl I just met, or anyone on the road in jeopardy for driving.
I drive off around a few blocks and park at an abandon gas station. We started making out for a while, until she decided to expose her breast to me. Well, I then decided to do what any guy in my situation would do and started to make out with her exposed breast. I continue to do that for a few minutes until I noticed a cop pulling up to my car.
I get out of my car and the cops starts questioning me on why I am parked randomly outside. I proceed to tell the cop that I literally just meet this girl 20 minutes ago and we were just trying to get to know each other better. He ask me if I was drunk or high. I said no....which was a lie. I was quite stoned but he couldn't prove it, and after he breathalized me I blew under a .08. He search my car and found the half open beer I placed in there and gave me a citation for an open container. He left saying that we were one of the worst neighborhoods in Charlotta, and the spot I decided to stop off at had one of the highest rates for rape, murder, and drug usages in the city of Charlotte, while the other cop there just stood there and tried not to laugh.
So tomorrow I have to get in front of the judge with what could possibly be just a verbal warning, or something more serious to the point of adding points to my licence or something even more serious then that. But I don't care what anyone says. Sucking titties is probably the best reason I or anyone I have ever meet had to go to court.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Great, Another 2.OOOOHHHHHHH
Well, this past spring semester, I once again got a 2.0 for the year. Three straight semesters on academic probation each ending with a 2.0. Well, tomorrow I'm going to go ahead an write my third letter to the Dean of Students, and hopefully they will give me a third chance to raise my grades. Well it happen, I honestly don't think so, but I will know for sure in a few days.
Yet, I fell this is kind of a good thing that I might flunk out of school. I in a way I don't want to finish my last year of college just yet. But that coming out of my mouth (or typed by my fingers) sounds totally and completely retarded in every way possible, but maybe these next two or three years can give me a chance to figure out what I really want to do with my life. As of now, I have 87 credits towards with a major in Political Science. I'm not going to get a job with anything related to political scicnce, and the only reason why I choose it because I thought it work well with journalism. I was dead set on becoming a Journalist, but I am starting to question that these past few months. I feel I will be a lot happier pursuing some type of job creative writing or even a career doing some type of humanitarian work. Hell, I could even see myself once again going something relatated to psychology.
If I can't attend Unc Charlottle, I'm still going to take a few class at Cpcc (for if I don't, I can't be under my mom's ensurence anymore) each semister. Work one or two minimumam wage, and somehow be involved in the arts cumminity in charlotte. If now, Ill finish up my degree and see where life takes me from there.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Fake Commercial Ideas
Hey yall, these are just two fake commercial ideas I had for my writing job. Read through them and tell me what yall think. The first one is Maya Angelou advertising purity robes, and the second is Pope Benedict trying to sell condoms. Read it and enjoy. Feed back would be nice as well.
Maya Angelou's Purity Robes
Maya Angelou -
"Hello, this is Maya Angelou, author, poet, and African American activist. After a long day, I love nothing else to do except get in my newly design of purity robe. They come in all white to represent inner peace we seek go gain while you are going to sleep, garbing a late night class of milk, grabbing the paper in the morning."
A scene is then of Maya Angelou going outside grabbing the morning paper and having to her neighbor.
Maya Angelou -
"They are designed with a long, vertical, cone-like, shaped hood to protect your hair while you are sleep. You can even customized my brand of purity robes. I designed my robe to have a picture of the cross over my heart, so show my deep rooted love of Jesus Christ. So if you have 24.99, and want a good night sleep, go out and purchase Maya Angelou purity robes."
The second one is of Pope Benedict selling condoms.
Holydict Condoms
Pope Benedict xvi -
"Hello, this is Pope Benedict XVI. For many of our members of our international church community are being discriminated against by among there peers for not allowing to use protection during intercourse. Well, with the help from the divine guidance of god, those in the church community decided to allow our own special brand of Condoms. Holydict condoms are specially designed for the prating catholic. They are designed with actual holes in the latex, thus not actually preventing an unwanted pregnancy. They come in a wide range of sizes for Catholic men of all backgrounds. They have a flavor of WD-40 to discourage oral sex in the church community. You can find them at at every drug store and parish in the modernized world. They would be my condom of choice if I wasn't forced into celibacy."
Thursday, May 26, 2011
West Charlotte
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Intro to Journalism Final Article - Music Lives Through Bill Hanna - The Profile of Bill Hanna
This is my Intro To Journalism Final Article. I originally wrote this back in December 2009. It is my oldest article I posted up here. Read it and Enjoy
Music Lives Through Bill Hanna
The Profile of Bill Hanna
On a cold and rainy December night, inspiring guitarist Andy Perez decided to venture to Uptown Charlotte to perform at the Double Door Inn. He has been at the Double Door a few times before to jam with some of Charlotte, North Carolina veteran jazz musicians. A few weeks ago he had technical difficulty with is guitar causing a less then satisfying performance. Hoping not to repeat that again tonight, Andy reaches for his guitar and steps on stage. During the set, he stayed on rhythm, progressed the correct chords, and his solos showcased his ability as a guitarist. There weren’t any technical difficulties with the amps, and his guitar stayed in tune. Overall it was a great performance on stage, making this the highlight of Andy’s week. But none of this could have been possible if it wasn’t for Charlotte’s God Father of Jazz, Bill Hanna.
Bill Hanna has lived an eventful life dedicated to music. Graduating from Mooresville High school in Mooresville North Carolina, he then went on to get his Bachelor’s degree in business from Davidson College. From there he earned a Masters degree in Music with and emphasis on trombone from Indiana University. For a time in his life, he was enlisted in the army. While in the army, Bill started playing in a Jazz band in 1955. It wasn’t until in the Army Jazz Band that Bill realized that music was going to be his life’s work.
Bill then played on the road performing with different musical acts. He has performed with the Stan Kennedy Band, the Woody Herman Band, and the Glen Miller Orchestra. Even during his days at Davidson College, he had a chance to s play a song with one of the most legionary Jazz musicians ever. “I sat in with Louis Armstrong once. One tune, a blues in B flat,” said Bill Hanna. For most of Bills life though, he has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina. While in Charlotte, he has performed for the circus, performances on ice, and the Charlotte Sympathy Orchestra for a period of seven years. He has been a member of several Rock, Country, Beach, and Jazz Big Bands. “I have done everything you can do musically,” said Hanna. For years now Bill has hosted a Jazz Jam at the Double Door Inn for up and coming musicians as well as veterans who have not been musically active for a while.
Bill’s love for music can be rooted to the fact he was born into a musical family. His parents meet when his father was auditioning for his mother’s band. They eventually married and had William Hanna on November 10, 1932 in Louisville Kentucky. His mother taught piano to Bill in the first and second grade. Then in the seventh grade, it was when his uncle introduced him to trombone. In elementary school, Bill decided to join the school band. Bill originally wanted to play the saxophone, but his band director caused him to switch instruments. Bill had a C melody saxophone, but his director kept giving him E flat sheet music. When Bill would try to play the parts for class, the music would end up sounding horrific. So his uncle introduced him to the trombone so that he could play that in band. “If my elementary school band director knew what a C melody sax was, I would be playing sax today,” said Hanna.
While being a musician, Bill Hanna is also a teacher. He has taught music for 50 years of his life now. For the first 30 years he would teach at various Jr. High and High school around Charlotte North Carolina. Then for the last 20 years, he has been teaching at Central Piedmont Community College. And at Central Piedmont community college, that is where Andy Perez was introduced to his Jazz improve instructor Bill Hanna. Bill chooses to teach others on music so that one day a younger generation would be able to achieve their dreams. Bill Hanna is an inspiration for a younger generation of musicians go out and to reach their potential. “Because he is such a good player, he want me to be that someday”, said Andy Perez. More than just scales and modes, Bill has taught his students something more important. “What counts is being you on stage. He encourages me to play Jazz as Andy Perez plays Jazz because Bill plays jazz as Bill,” said Perez.
Bill Hanna is a veteran when it comes to music, but he isn’t going to stop playing anytime soon. He keeps playing for his own personal reasons, not for the public. Music to Bill is something no one can ever master, because of that Bill only sees himself becoming a better musician every times he plays. “I love the way music feels, I love the way it sounds, I love the way it keeps you youthful.” And all of Bill Hanna success, achievements, influence to others some from his genuine passion for music. Bill Hanna is the perfect example of if you dedicate yourself for to something for so long; this is what you can one day become.
Why I love Quinton Gilling.
Well, today I gave my friend Quinton a ride to his job at Nike Factory. I he gave me a place to crash tonight, so giving him a ride was the least to do. Well, during that car ride he said some of the honest, ironic, and funniest thing I heard in a while.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
How to be a Hipster - By Devin K Phillips
For the majority of American’s, there life style is pretty basic. What about the poor young urban demographic that doesn’t want to conform to that. Well, here is a step by step guide how not to conform to masses and into an independence motivated alternative lifestyle w
First off, to have alternative perspective to main stream culture, you will need to have the proper clothing to show that you just don’t want to conform. First you got to work from the bottom up and get a pair of Chuck Taylors or any type of skate shoe to wear. Jordan would make you look like your athletic, running shoes are just lame, and most people who wear boat shoes on a regular basis think that O.A.R. makes quality music. Note, bowling shoes can work in certain situation.
Now you must shop at thrift stores on a regular basis. The prices are cheap, but the real reason is that it is trendy to shop there. Also, shopping at thrift stores is “sticking it to the man” who run the evil corporate clothing giants. If you have the money (which you probably don’t) to shop at American Appeal do so. It is also acceptable to shop at Hot Topic at the mall if you mention that you loved coming here in back in the 8th grade every time you walk through the front entrance.
Now you must have a better music taste then anyone you know. To make that easy, follow the these 7 simple rules when it comes to music.
1 T - Try to listen to as many bands that rip off of Sonic youth as possible. It doesn’t matter if Sonic Youth music sounds like random noises; they were the most experimental band of the 80’s. And if you can name the most bands that copy that experimentation in their music, you’re gold. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you like the bands or not, just naming them is all that matters
- - Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison have to be on your top 10 list of artist. Why? There really is no reason. I do think they are a bit overrated, but there in my top ten list because its taboo if there not. It’s just good to be cliché at times.
- Think that Radiohead and Nirvana are the most influential bands of the 90’s. Whether or not that statement is true or not is not the case, it is clesay to say that about those bands, thus will make that repeative convocation easier
- Pretend to hate mainstream radio pop songs even though you know every lyric to the latest Rihanna songs when you’re driving in the car by yourself.
5 - - Go to a show in a dirty music venue every month. Even if you don’t like the band, go to a show anyway. If not, then the same people you scene at those music venues will think you are dead or something. Remember the smaller the better
- Have an overall general knowledge of hip hop better than the “Stereotypical African American” that is portrayed in the media. That includes underground rap artist, old school hip artist, and a hatred for anyone who rips off of Lil Wayne’s “Music”. Try to listen only authentic disenfranchised black man music like the Wu-Tang Clan, Dr. Dre, or Public Enemy. To be safe, I recommend keeping a copy of N.W.A’s straight out of Compton in your call at all times.
- - Love Dub Step. It’s new, underground and edgy. That’s enough of a reason to illegally download as many D.J.s as possible. Even though it might take you a few years to realize if you genially like it, or the fact the todays music is so horrible that you will cling to the first alternative presented.
Fo Follow these 7 rules, and your process of becoming a hipster can go a lot faster.
FAAlso, try to adjust your film watching as possible. Try to think that until Quinton Tarentino or Wes Anderson personally changed how films were directed in our generation. Try to watch as many movies who got nominated at the Sundance Film festive. Own a few old Clint Eastwood movies. Remember, the more black and white films you seen the better. Also, it is perfectly fine for you to Dress up and go to the latest Harry Potter or Twilight when it comes out in theaters. You should also think that Jonny Depp is the most creative actor in Hollywood. The more stereotypical action movies you watch on a regular basis, the alternative you appear. Note, if you think that Tim Bertin is equivalent to God, then your alternative film watching is set in stone.
For television, try to watch the least amount as possible. Since the main stream media totally sucks, then watching it will make you lame. If you do, I suggest watching from this small list of shows.
Try to watch a lot of adult cartoons, which include, South Park, Family Guy, Archer, or anything on Adult swim. For sitcoms, watch only Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia on a regular basis. The dumb satire on society is perfect for any skinny jean wearing, PBR drinking young adult. Plus Hipsters are supposed to be intelligent, so watch the educational programing that comes on The History Channel, The Travel Channel, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic or any program that makes you learn. You should be fine by watching anything on HBO or Showtime because they actually devote themselves to making quality programing.
Also, try to conform your reading as much as possible. I recommend reading Authors like Hunter. S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk, George Orwell or Allen Kinsey. The more books your read that satire the stupidity of society, the better.
You should also try not to be good at sports. Remember, if you were good at football or basketball in 8th grade, you probably would have started focusing all your time on skateboarding, guitar, or trying to find pot. If you do play sports, try to make them as lest athletic as possible. I recommend disc golf, ultimate Frisbee, or just running.
Smoke Cigarettes. That is the second most hipster thing you can do. I recommend American Spirits, Camal Turkish Golds or Silvers. You gain quite a big of hipster points of you smoke hand rolled cigarettes.
Drink Pabst Blue Ribbon at least once a week. This is the most Hipster thing you can do. I repeat, this is the most Hipster thing you can do. It is the cheapest beer, and you’re probably broke. If they don’t drink Pabst on a regular basis, you use your hipster card A.S.A.P.
Follow these rules, and you will soon become conform to the anti-mainstream demographic of the “Hipster” subculture.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A scene of my screenplay "Lost on the way to cookout" - That is some Ignorant Shit
Andy, what the fuck are you doing here?
You know Jessy, the drummer, well I have a class with him and I told him I was doing stand-up, well, he said I can open for them with my 5 minute Act.
What the fuck man, why didn't you tell me you were coming here the other night at Luc’s. You could of car pooled with us.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming out tonight.
I though you stopped doing stand up since school started back up.
I would talk longer, but I literally go on in fine minutes.
I have never seen someone do stand up before a concert before.
It's a good idea.
Yeah. So is Andy pretty good at stand up.
Yeah, he pretty good.I mean he no Dave Chapelle, but he pretty damn funny.
Shane and Devin then stand around talking about stuff for a few more minutes until they seen Andy get on stage.
(While yelling)
Andy Perez, I want your babies.
(While yelling)
Devin, stop telling the whole world your gay
Fuck you.
Andy then walks up to the microphone and starts talking
OK, my name is Andy Perez, and I’m about to do some stand-up comedy.
I know yall came for music, but I’m about to make yall laugh. I want to thank Jessy for letting me come up here for them. So how many of yall love Lucky Five.
You know Lucky 5 is from Charlotte. And I honestly love Charlotte North Carolina. Can I get some love for Charlotte, North Carolina?
But how many of yall are actually from Charlotte.
(Crowd laughs)
So let me tell you something. I lived in Charlotte my whole life. And one thing I realized is that when all the new comers come around here, they only show them the good part of town. They show you uptown, the south end, lake Norman, the speed park, but they always seem to avoid the bad areas. Especially if your white.
Well, I decided to come up with a new game, it’s called find the white people on Beaties ford road. What you do is you drive up and down it, and you could all the white people you see. So far the highest I got was 5.
Crowd Laughs with a good reaction.
I told you he pretty funny.
Yeah, he’s good.
Yeah….I love black people though. I just love the welfare I have to pay to support them. Really, my families goes out and out to pay thousands of dollars go to college, get a degree, and get a job to just pay for their shit.
Crowd Laughs a lot less.
Really, and they don’t even save that money. Believe me, I know, I’m Jewish, they just spend it on the craziest things.
Crowd starts laughing a little less.
Really, all that money goes to trying to start a record label, shit for their bad car, or some type of substance. Again, I love black people, If I could spend other people money on alcohol and Newport’s I would be quite happy as well.
Crowd stops laughing a lot less.
Really. And let’s talk about Newport’s, every time a black guys ask me for a cig, he ask me for a Newport. And I’m like, if you’re gonna smoke, why not a good cigarette, not some cheap menthol shit.
Random Guy in Crowd
Hey shut the fuck up.
I’m sorry, but really when you think about it. I don’t stereotype, but a lot of them are based off of truth. Every time I walk into a Bojangles, all the workers are black.
Random Guy #2
Yo, that is some ignorant shit you are saying.
Random Guy #3
Yeah, fuck you you wanna be Michael Richards.
Members in the crowd then cheer.
I mean, I’m only telling jokes, I’m not...
Random Guy #4
Fuck you man, that was pretty racist.
Random Guy #5
Like, that really was some ignorant shit.Andy then runs off the stage.
Dude you OK man.
I need to go to the bathroom man.
Yo, talk to me man, I know you not.
No, I really need to go to the bathroom. I think I sharted up there, and….
Dude, what you are trying to say?
Dude, like I’ll talk to you later.
Andy then walks into the Bathroom.
I hope Andy is fine.
He will be, I mean the jokes were off putting, but the crowd didn’t have to say that shit.
Lets get back up to the stage
Devin and Shane then walk back up front.
OK my babies,my babies. Let's calm down a little bit. My babies my babies, just calm down. Let’s get ready for some music.
Yeah, yall came for some music right. Well, let’s play some music. Well, let’s get into some of our new songs.
Scene then goes into them playing one of their new songs (5 minutes of music to showcase one of lucky fives songs.
Alright, what did yall think that that one. Yall loved it right!!!!
Crowd Cheers. But then you hear a lone voice in the crowd.
Yo, you suck.
Who the fucked said that.
It was me.
Oh you mother fucker. You come down here to my music show, and you say we suck. Man I should smack that white off your cracker ass.
I don’t feel like embarrassing you anymore tonight. But if I have to, Ill beat the shit out of you Ray Charles.
Oh you mother fucker, I’m gonna come down there and beat the shit out of you. You know where I’m from,…..Ohio mother fucker. Mother fuckin Ohio, and we do shit different there then in the South.
Band then crowd around marquis to calm him down.
What are you gonna do you fuckin fagot. Look at Elton John up there singing his little songs then fuckin some random guy after this show.
No, No, you think I’m all happy go lucky on the piano I forgot to beat a nigga’s ass. I can beat a nigga’s ass. You don’t know me. Not of yall fuckin know me. Fuck with Nash, Ill beat your fuckin ass. They used to call me blood motha fucka. Blood I say, blood.
(Sounding like a dog)
Arf Arf
Now kiss my black ass.
Marquis then shows his ass, then runs off then runs off the stage.
Dude, what the fuck is going on man. I never have seen you react like that to a dude in the crowd.
Oh man. That was just an act.
Well, yeah, I just cussed out some random buy, but I’m not seriously pissed. Me and the band at Monaray's not to long ago, and I need to take a massive shit.
Are you fucking serious?
Yeah, I whispered it to their ears just now. But dude, I can’t talk, l just got these pants the other day.
Marquis then runs into the bathroom. Andy is the seen coming out.
Dude, are you straight. And why are you holding your shirt.
I don’t want to talk about it.
Did you just...
Dude, I’m just gonna go home.
I’ll see you at Luc’s later this week.
I'll let you know.
Then the manager of the Tremont music venue comes onto the state. He walks up to the microphone and makes an announcement.
Due to some unexpected events, we are just gonna let the next band go on now. Please stay around and enjoy the rest of the music.
Well man, you trying to leave
Well, what do you want to do?
Well, do you want to go straight to cook out?
Do you know how to get to one from here?
Yeah….I can find one around Tremont. Then I’ll drop you back off at home.
Will do.
Shane and Devin then walks out the door. Camera then turns to Marqus walking out the bathroom.
That was the biggest shit I have ever taken in my entire fucking life.
An Article For My Political Journalism Class - Freedom Lives through Lon Cecil
I originally wrote this after Interviewing Lon Cecil, the Libertarian canadite for the United States house of Representatives in North Carolina on Oct. 28 . He was one of the most interesting people I ever interviewed, and this was a very enjoyable article for me to write. I hope you enjoy reading
Freedom Lives through Lon Cecil
Politics can be a nasty game for anyone who chooses to become a part of it. What makes it harder to play in this game today is if you not a part of one of the two main parties. Well, Lon Cecil is one of the few Politicians today who runs with an honest campaign for a contender who probably isn’t going to achieve victory. Then why would someone spend the last few months campaigning and advertising on what is most likely is an impossible victory. Well, for Lon Cecil and many other Libertarian Canadians in the U. S. today, their passion in their political, social, and moral ideology is too strong for them to not become a new voice in
American politics.
The Libertarian Party of the United States is currently the third largest party in the United States. The platform of the party is libertarianism, which favors strong civil rights, a unregulated capitalistic market system, and nonintervention in foreign policy that freedom of trade and travel to any foreign country. There are currently 250,000 thousands in 30 states who are registered with the party. While taking that ideology to heart, Lon Cecil wishes to be the next one elected under his party banner into office.
Lon Cecil was born in 1946 to a working class family in Ada Oklahoma. Like many other Americans who were coming of age in the 1960’s, he spent two years fighting for his country in Vietnam. “It had a lot of influence on me personally. I was not a volunteer, I was drafted in 1969. It was off to boot camp, then training. For me Vietnam was an eye opening experience”, said Cecil about his tour in Vietnam.
After finish is tour overseas, he graduated with an engineering degree from Oklahoma State University in 1972. The majority of his life was concentrated in his career which he helped small and large business develops consumer electronics. While in the work force he used his creativity to innovate many different types of electronics. “I developed a wireless home alarm system in the 1970’s. I develop a device to help people start a small inventory stock. That they sued as a bar cord reader. I have a patent. Some of the other develop were sprit horns. They were manufactured in the United Stated. All American made. It was pure manufacturing economy.”
Sadly though, in 2009, his wife died after 37 years of marriage. “It changed a lot of things around my life. I don’t have children. Now the family is down to me and the three dogs.” Living through the tragedy of his wife death, Lon then decided to run for the North Carolina in district 12.
The majority Lon’s platform stems are based on the fact that America is designed to be a self-sufficient nation. Anyone living in America can succeed in this country if they have the perseverance and sheer will power to do so. For Lon, individual responsibility is a key motivation behind is reasons for running. “I was first and for most interested in individual responsibility. You pretty much think you should take care of yourself and your family. Relining on the state for things is irreverent. We want to minimize government. Minimize government taxes. We hate large amounts of government intervention,” said Cecil. Cecil campaign platform is a complex one then is Democrat or Republican counterparts. He thinks that high taxes and government intervention are two things are country needs to get rid of. “We are spending money that our grandchildren are going to have to pay off,” said Cecil. He is for the reform of many drug laws in America right now. “We look at the drug laws as establish control,” said Cecil. Cecil feels the current drug war we are in concerns a lot of federal resources. It gives other countries support there economy. He feels that if medical marijuana were legalized, it would be a great source of tax revenue. “It would comply dry out the illegal market in the United States, said Cecil.
He also supports the closing of the borders of the United States to help control illegal immigration. He is also against the Patriot Act, which was put into effect during the Bush Administration. “Get rid of it completely. It is a great intrusion of our personal freedoms,” said Cecil. And not only does he support ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he wishes that the U.S military bring home the troops that are currently station in Japan, Germany, and Korea.
Cecil is currently running against Congressman Mel Watt, which is a hardcore Democrat. He has been the incumbent representative for the last 18 years in district 12. “He has done a very effective job for voting for every tax in the last 18 months,” said Cecil. Cecil feels that the people of North Carolina want to see the bush tax cuts increase. He also thinks that many feel the health care bill that Watt supported was the wrong direction that the United States is taking. “It is very good plan to bankrupt way to bankrupt up us,” said Cecil. The republican candidate that Cecil is running against is presently Greg Dority.
It honestly does it take a great amount of effort for a part of a third party system in America. We currently live in a two party system in which the chance for a third party victory is at a strong statistical disadvantage. Currently in almost every election the clear cut winner is either a Democrats or a Republican. And many times a third party often not even recognized. Cecil struggles with that disadvantage in his current election. “We have just been ignored. Libertarian, greens, conservatives, and any of the other party”, said Cecil. While becoming a strong third party is a difficult task for Libertarians, it is something the ones who agree with the ideology think that it is necessary to do put up with. “It’s difficult. It’s frustrated. It’s in many ways it’s discriminating,” said Cecil. Hopefully in time, Cecil feels that this taboo against a third party will be reversed.
Lon Cecil’s campaign is proves that libertarian party is a grass roots movement. It’s small in size, and many times their cannonades only run so that the major parties can change their statues on issues slightly.
The Libertarian Party was formed in the United States in late 1971 because of the controversy surrounded by the Vietnam War as well as the plea to get American monetary system back on the gold standard. In the last 40 years though, the party continued to grow. And by 2009, 146 libertarians were holding elected offices throughout the United States. Individuals like Lon Cecil want to continue the dream of the Libertarian philosophy by presently running for office in late 2010. Only time will tell though, how Cecil and others will change the United States of America.
A scene of my screenplay "Lost on the way to cookout" - The American Dream
Here is another scene from my screenplay of lost on the way to cookout. It has some of the best dialog in the film. Read it and enjoy.
The scene starts off again with Shane and Devin sitting at a waffle house dinner. A older looking waitress walk up to their table
Do yall need any more drinks
Yeah, another coke will do.
With Vanilla
I’ll have some water instead of a coke.
Ok, be right back.
So, what do you think the American Dream is about?
I guess the cheesy answer would be have a Job, a wife, two kids, and a white picket fence with a Dog running in the back of it.
No, I guess it’s more than that. Maybe it’s the fact that anyone can come to this country and succeed and make a better life. You know the stereotypical Ellis Island Immigrants coming to New York City. You know, leave your poor home country, move into a tenements slum, and work your way so that you kids and grandkids can live in freedom.
Maybe. But those immigrants faced so much racism. The Irish had it bad, as bad as the black at the time in some places. You don’t think the Italians and Polish faced discrimination at the turn of the century.
They did, but still they came here because the conditions here were better southern or Eastern Europe. Or any country at the least.
If you say so. Look at the story of Tony Montano.
Tony Montano from Scarface. Probably the best crime movie ever made other than the godfather. That explains the American Dream when you think about it.
I say Goodfellas, but please continue.
Well, Tony Montano came off a boat to America with literally nothing in his pockets wanting a better life. That poor Cuban immigrant worked his way, selling drugs and killing people, but work his way to the top from being some type of errand boy to a drug king pin. Working your way to the top. Sounds like the American dream right there.
Yeah, but did he do it honestly, no. Maybe it is to work your way to the top, but do it the honest way.
I can agree with you there.
Like, a young kid, going to college, getting a good job, and then owning his own business. That’s the American dream.
Waitress then comes back into the room.
Here is your vanilla coke, and here is your water
Devin and Shane (at the same time)Waitress
No problem
But those business can prevent others from reaching there.
Yeah, but if you have too well of a business, you prevent others from having a good living.
Well, that’s why I don’t like capitalism.
Yeah, that’s why I don’t like it either. Why, because a lot of those business sometimes take advantage of the American people just for profit.
Well, some do, some don’t. Who knows?
You have whole industries dedicated to take advantage of the American people. Look at the pharmaceutical industry. Do you really thing that all those millions of people need those psychiatric meds??? Honestly I only think 5% of all those people on them really need it.
I agree. What about the military industrial complex. The United States spends more money on the Department of defense than any other governmental agency.
War makes money, WWII got us out of the depression.
True, so true.
But is that right, having a business out of killing people. Well, I would say killing people. But if we stopped investing in our military, the economy would fall to greater shit then it is now.
Yeah, I guess that’s true. But still, when is the line cross. I’m sorry, but we should of never went to Iraq in the first place, did we really have to stay in Afghanistan so long. Why are we still in Germany, why are we still in Japan, hell, why do we even have bases over seas.
They create jobs….Duh……well, other reasons and security purposes. But sad to say, an ugly truth is that we would invest so much money into a military if it wasn’t for jobs. What it comes down to how politics or anything works is money. People want enough money to make a good living. If you can’t do that, you probably don’t like the government.
You don’t like our government.
I don’t. I like the consultation. But then people argue how you read it and everything, and that’s a whole different story.
What it comes down to, if you have money, you usually vote republican, you don’t you usually vote democratic. Yes, religion plays an issue it a lot of times, race to a point I guess, and special interest as well. But for most people, people vote by their bank accounts. One help out upper middle and wealth class, the other is lower middle and poor. Guess which one I fall into to.
The same one as me.
Which is.
The very few ones, who look at all sides of an issue, argue why they do the things they do. But how we different is that we see all sides of the issue, and the end of the day we consume all sides have more flaws than good. So we just don’t pick one.
So I guess were just kids with opinions about shit.
Yep. That sounds about right.
I like that, were just kids with opinions about shit.
Watress then walks up to them handing them their checks.
Sorry for just sitting here for the last. few hours, it been an eventful night, and we just wanted to relax.
It’s all good huh, yall are perfectly fine. Most people here this time of night are drunk as hell or on something. (While chuckling) I’m kind of surprised young guys like you are sober coming into here this time of night.
Waffle house is known for their drunken cliental.
Tell me about it. A guy last week puked on that table over there. He was 30 some years old talking about the strip club he was just at, projective vomits all over that wall, and his buddy just leave the cash on the table and leave out here laughing…….Ugh.
That really sucks. I wouldn’t of wanted to clean that mess up.
Oh hell no, I made the new girl clean it up. Come in smart talking me….ugh. But have seen worst working here. The 15 year old gang fight was tops them all. A bunch of middle schoolers come up in the parking lot and start fighting, I watched for a while before calling the cops. It was actually quite entertaining watching it. One of those guys pants kept falling down to the ground, and they had the worst insults for each other. It was one of the worst fights I ever seen.I almost laugh when I was talking to the cop during the police report.
That does sound kind of funny.
It was honestly
Waitress then walks off back behind the waffle house counter.
I’m just fucking tired of being broke. I’m tired of dead end jobs. I want an opportunity to make something for myself. I want to do graphic design, but that takes money to start doing. Everything takes money. I guess I wouldn’t be so anti-capitalism if I feel like I could succeed with it. And capitalism does that best if your do it right. Capitalism does give people money purse their dreams more than any other ideology. It’s Pandora box, everything is Pandora box.
Fuck money. Money is the root of all evil.
No, the pursuit of money is the root of all evil.
True, but if the pursuit of money is the root of all evil, and capitalism is about making the most money. Is capitalism evil?
No, I don’t understand how an ideology can be evil, it’s impossible. People are evil. Look at Socialism with Hitler. Communism speaks for itself. I don’t even know what a society would look like if everyone was an anarchist, but I’m sure one of them would be evil.
(While laughing)
I can’t even define that word and I tell people I’m one.
I can’t really either. I guess though capitalism is good when it helps people work for a happy life. But it isn’t working for me right now. So many people get trapped in the Irish ghettos of Boston, the Mexican ones of L.A. The poor in West Virginia. The south side of Chicago. Shit, look how fucked up Hidden Valley is here in Charlotte. What about those people. What about them.
Yeah, things do suck for people living here. People sometimes have to work 3 times as hard to succeed in this country. And it not fair for the people who have to. It’s just not fair.
Its sad to say, but life isn’t fair …. It could be so much worst for us. We could be living in Haiti, or Sudan.
Yeah, living in Dafur would completely stuck.….and you know what’s funny, people work there ass off over there to come to America for school. We kind of take that shit granted. I know do.
Don’t feel bad, it’s a generational thing.
I guess so.
You ready to leave now.
Yeah, can you drop me back off, I have work later in the day.
Shane and Devin Walk outside and sees the Waitress about to smoke a cigarette
Fuck, do yall have a lighter I can borrow.
I overheard what yall been talking about for the last hour, and to answer your question, the American Dream is simply about being free. Freedom is the greatest liberty. And self sufficiency is the greatest freedom. But what is difficult to understand is that freedom isn’t free. I swear to god I hear young kids like you have convocations like this every single night. Talking about any and everything. Believe me, I’m glad yall are socially aware. That better then 90 percent of kids your age. But what are yall doing to change things….jack shit. Wanna know why, I was just like you 2 when I was your age. I was half way to Woodstock before I realized it would of cost me and my 2 best friends every last dime I had to make it there with the cost of gas, food, and drugs. You think I didn’t have convocations like these before, fuck, this is all me and my counter culture friends did. Yall are only 21 years old, yall are supposed to be lost. Confused. Not knowing what you are supposed to do for your life. And if you did, that would kind take the fun out of it.I used work at the best bank in Greensboro and could have moved up if I wanted to, but I decided I had a passion for nursing. I got to be in the peace core for 2 years in Argentina before coming back home. I got a job at a different bank and met someone one night with some co workers. Then I wanted to settle down. Get married, have kids, a white picket fence, and have a family. I lift that job to work at Denny’s because it was less stressful and I could and my friend would visit me at work. Kids got older, got divorced, and then remarried. I then retired, got bored, and started working here because I am a night owl and this keeps me busy. Yall are intelligent young kids, but yall don’t know jack shit about how the world spins. Yall have so much more to experience and with experience comes wisdom, and all that will come with time. Just give it time, I still learn things every day and I’m 67. The best advice I ever heard was from this security guard back when I went to school, and it was just realize you don’t know shit about anything. I love ya’ll naive punks because I was just like you 40 years ago. I gotta go back inside now, fuckin have to clean the store a bit before the morning shift gets on. Here’s your lighter back huh. Yall take care now.
I just don't know what to think after hearing that