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Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
What to say about me. I'm just an Individual who loves talking about Music, Politics, Social Issues, as well as any and everything Interesting. But Read My Blog and I think you'll get a better picture of me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A scene of my screenplay "Lost on the way to cookout" - Elijah and Erin Argument.

This is honestly one of my favorite scenes I written in my movie. I personally think this has some of the best dialog in all of the movie. The Scene Sets up with Shane and Devin getting out of Shane’s car and walking up to the front door. They soon hear Erin and Elijah arguing in their back yard. They stop to watch the argument out of sight from the feuding couple.


I can’t believe you forgot to bring my 3 dvds, 2 books, and my had. You would. I texted you an hour before we met up and you said you would. You really didn’t have to drive out of your way to get it.


It was only 20 minutes out of the way. Plus I owe you.


If it was any other person I would be pissed. But since you are known to do shit like this, it’s cool. In all honestly, if you didn’t forget my shit you had for the last 6 months I would be pissed at you because something would of happened to my friend. It just would have been you.


Thanks. I guess


No problem. Dude, do you hear that.Shane and Devin Then walk around the corner of the house. The two of them then see Erin and Elijah having an argument.


Listen to Me. I said listen to me. I want to help you. I understand what you’re going through


How do you understand? You have had a perfect life. You have had a perfect private school education, lived in a half million dollar house with a white picket fence, both parents have professional jobs. You have a boat and a cabin. A fuckin cabin!!!! What do you know about being broke your whole life. Nothing, I been through worst. I’m only gonna be homeless for 2 weeks. Then I’m moving in with some old friends from high school. They have the money for my rent for a month, and once my inheritance money comes through. I’m good. From then with the money from my job I’m set. Erin. I know your religious and you feel you need to help me out. But you don’t have to. I don’t want you to. You know I don’t like hand outs.


I know you’ll be fine. But as of know you are about to be homeless. Your about to be fuckin homeless. FUCKING HOMELESS!!!!!!!!


All just crash on random friends’ houses for 2 weeks, or just sleep in my car a few days….I’ll be fine.


Your telling me is that you would rather sleep in your car then crash on our couch because my parents have money. And you don’t think I won’t understand your situation. You would always make smart marks about my religion. And I took it for a grain of salt.


I just don’t like religion that much.


I’m a Christian first. A God Damn Christian. And yes I am religious, and there are flaws in my religion like with any ideology. And I do know that. And you are fucking retarded if you didn’t think I didn’t know it. I have hour’s worth of that convocation with my pastor about how Christianity is hypocritical in some ways. But that’s the religious aspect of it. But what being a Christian is being about is loving your neighbor and helping your fellow man, and being a good person. And you are too fucking independent to except help out because you think people are pitying you. People are trying to help you and you are taking it for granted. I just don’t understand why. You would do the same for someone else. I have seen you do it. That’s why I offered. I just don’t understand why you have to be so god damn independent all the time. Why can’t you except help. We been hanging out for a while, and basically dating without that stupid fucking Facebook label. I just don’t understand why you can’t except help


You want to know why it’s hard for me to except help from you. You want to know why I am so fucking Independent. Why I am so against organized religion. Why I hate any type of government. Why I hate the media. Why I despise capitalism with a passion. You want to know why I have those core beliefs?




Because it’s hard to have faith in something you can’t control. Yeah it might sometimes help you, but if you keep getting fucked over by life it’s hard to. It’s so hard to. It is hard because I can’t trust anything that’s greater then myself. You don’t understand. You don’t fucking understand how alone I feel in this world. You will never understand how alone I feel in this world. I feel the whole world is against me. Erin. Ever since a young age I felt my family didn’t love me. And that hurt. To feel your caregivers not being there or you at such a young age would make anyone feel like a complete piece of shit.


You can’t tell me about it. Tell me about your family. Please do. Open the fuck up. Tell me about your life. I’m tired of you thinking I will never take you serious because I came from a good family with money. Money doesn’t mean shit. Want to hear about my dad. My dad cheated on my mom for a yeah, and do you know what my mom did. She hid it. She hid it from everyone because it would have made the family look bad. Yeah my dad loves her and regrets what he done, but not after my mom got into oxycotton, and it was bad.


Your mom was on Oxycotton! I didn’t know that.


Yes, yes she was, and I had to go to school every single day seeing my mom slowly drown the pain from what my dad did inside. And I couldn’t tell anyone. The only person I told was this nerdy and awkward kid who people just give him the chance to know, and that kid is the reason why I am sane today. We were actually good friends. We were the only juniors in photo II, so we were forced to work together. He would show let me borrow these dvds he had like Resevor Dogs or and introduced me to bands like the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and I loved it. The kids I hung out though never would do that for me. We would have relationships because we had mutual friends, and it was just convent to date.


That just sounds stupid


Yeah, the very concept of it is retarded. I know, I would go to these parties every weekend with the same people, at lunch every day with the same kids and have the same boring convocations for 4 years. They were argent and judgmental. And in all honestly I was only really close to like 5 of them and the rest we literally just there. And I didn’t like half of them because of all the drama of who fucked who and who said what, but they never knew. No one ever knew who liked who outside that close inner circle of that 5. But I couldn’t open up to that 5 out of fear of what they would say.


So you didn’t know the people you hung out every day were your real friends.


Yeah, at the time I didn’t. I later found out that the majority of them were going through some extreme shit, but that wasn’t until my freshman year of college. I was alone all throughout high school, but I had to mask it out of fear of frivolous shit. You were alone, but you didn’t hide it. You took pride in it. And that’s why people love you. That’s why I respect you. You walk around wearing old shirts and your worn pants with confidence.You had the freedom to express what you felt inside.That is something I wish I had. Now open up to me an show me the real you. show me the real you


What are you talking about.


Open up. Tell me what made you you.


I don't know what to tell you.


Tell me about your family


Well, my older brother was always the star child. We would plan our Saturdays around his little league games, and I would just sit there and watch him pitched. I tried sports at a young age. But honestly, I just liked video games a lot more. All my friends played them instead of trying out for the soccer game so I didn’t mind. And Overtime, we got bored. So we stared skateboarding. And we did that all the time. It took my mind of the issues at home. It literally saved my life. At around the same time, we would be those 7th graders who would just walk around the track singing Blink 182, Green Day songs.


I could see you walking around the track sneaking off and smoking a cig while everyone else was playing baseball.


Yeah, I did do that. We even had a little band going for a while and made half the songs from Dookie sound simi-decent. But the band thing faded out when we couldn’t get to Jimmy’s anymore because we left out a tin foil bowl sitting out with pot still in it. So we just started skating even more. And overtime everyone I hung out with skateboarded. My parents didn’t like them, but I didn’t care. I honestly had good parents. I mean my dad would come home once in a blue moon drunk because of the stress from the job, my attitude didn’t help him, but he was just so strict and hard on me. I felt I could never live up to him. And over time, if you get tired of hearing him compare me to Will. And I honestly felt like a complete piece of shit.


You fucking love Will.


Yeah, he understands me more than anyone I know.


That’s because he’s your brother.


And my mom was a little crazy at times. She was bi-polar. So there would be random times she snapped at all of us guys in the house. Not all the times, but for a few days every few months. When I was 14, I was like, mom how can you get mad at me for not respecting you when you come in here be letting all of us. She then cried. She then said, “I never meant to hurt someone I love more than my own self”. My mom would always have that outburst. But when she would calm down, we would always have a family dinner at Ihop. I remember late nights wishing my mom would come in an yell at us, just for that family dinner. That’s really the only time I felt close to my family.


Let me guess, you would always get the omelet.


Yep, but anyways, the older kids who skated would then give me these cool CDs and would buy me a pack of cigs .We would sometimes just sit around talking about political and social shit because it was interesting then going inside and watching basic cable….all my friend were poor. But anyway I loved that music he gave me, it was different. It wasn’t like the punk pop I was used to, and I just couldn’t really get into that whole emo, scremo, hardcore, grindcore whatever core shit everyone seemed to love.


Like Paramore or the Used?


I guess.


I told you I knew a little bit about your music.


If you say so. anyway, this music was simple, loud and angry. I remember the first CD I got, it was the Clash self titled. And I loved it. Every time I saw him, he would always have another CD for me to burn or borrow. Bad Brains, Minor Threat, The Velvet Underground, The New York Dolls, The Dead Kennedys……..oh my god, the Dead Kennedys. The first time I heard chicken shit conformist I almost died. Patty Smith, the Velvet Underground, the god father of punk rock Iggy Pop.


You like all types of music though, I was Billy Joel greatest hits in your car.


Yeah, I do like other types of music. I listen to a lot of old school rap. NWA, Public Enemy, I’m from the south now so UGK, Geto Boys, and of course Outkast. I love blues, jazz, folk. I just discovered Dub step. It sucked at first, but it grows on you fast. I just love good music in general. When I felt like a complete piece of shit, if Patty’s Smith - Gloria inspires me and gives me hope and that I have a friend in the world. That’s me Erin. That’s me in a nut shell.


No it’s not. You’re so much more. You see yourself as a broke kid, but you want to change the world. You value people. You have cause and reason for what you do and why. You see the world different. You think that one person can make a difference. And you have. You have in the 2 months we been hanging out.


That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.


Let’s finish this convocation inside. There is a lot more I want to tell you.Elijah And Erin then walk inside.

Devin and Shane

(Speaking the same time)

Dude……Elijah is getting laid tonight.


(From Inside the house)

Elijah…..I thought I just heard someone yell from outside your house.



Yes you did Erin and it was us because our friend is about to get his dick wet because of you.


Dick wet.I'm sure you could of came up with a better metaphor.


Shut up. Well, you ready to go to cook out now.



Shane Then checks his phone


Dude…..I got 3 missed calls from Eric saying he is off of Bettie Ford road and Lassle and to come by…it’s Important.


Why the fuck is Eric in west Charlotte at this time of night.


I though you said he was going to a frat party tonight.


That’s what he told me.


Well, its look like were going to have to make a pit stop before going to cookout.

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