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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Controversy over Cannabis

This is the article I wrote for my final in my Advance News Reporting class. Its about one of my favorite subjects. I tried to make it as unbais as possible. I hope you enjoy it.

The Controversy over Cannabis

What comes to mind when one hears word Marijuana. The nicknames it has, the crime it causes, or the culture devoted around it .The drug that could be found in every city in America. Is it the “Devil’s Plant” that is a gateway drug to harder stuff, or is it an herbal used for healing purposes? The majority of American has admitted to being around Marijuana at some point in their life, and a significant percentage Americans have claimed to smoke it on a regular basis before. It is the same thing that funds international drug trades as well as peaceful counter culture music festivals. The drastic difference in perception of marijuana has caused many states to attempt reforming the laws regulating the cash crop of Cannabis Sativa.

For the majority who to smoke it used it to get a “high” sensation. That is done because of THC, which is the main chemical that is found in marijuana. Usually THC had to get into the body through into the body through smoking it. THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors which can leads to the "high" sensation. In most cases, the demographic that partakes in it the most are individuals in their late teens to their mid-20’s. It is common to find around a University setting, were many students at the University of Charlotte have mixed opinions of the drug.

“I personally don’t smoke”, said Paige Bicket, who is currently attending the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “It smells bad, and in my personal experience it makes people lazier and absent minded.”

Other students have a more positive image of the drug.

“It makes people peaceful. It brings people together. And it’s medicinal,” said Rebecca Miasto, another University of North Carolina at Charlotte student.

Compared to the effects of cigarettes or alcohol, marijuana is surprisingly safe. In a recent case study, scientist found no positive associations between marijuana use and lung, upper respiratory or upper digestive tract cancers. That is in great contrast to the strong association of tobacco to lung and other cancers. That does not mean that marijuana doesn’t have its negative side effects. Not surprisingly, intoxication caused by marijuana has led to distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem-solving, and problems with learning and memory. A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

The majority of the public feels that it is currently illegal is mostly due to the crime produced through the trafficking of marijuana. The crime caused through the drug trade is near impossible to prevent in American Society. The drug has been used to fund an international drug trade that affects millions of Americans life. The high street value of the drug can cause rival gangs to kill each on the streets of major cities. The smuggling of is sometimes why a small percentage of illegal immigrants come into this country.

At the same time many fell that the laws regulating it are too unfair. The prisons are over crowed for individuals who have one or two minor drug offences, thus forcing individuals who have done more serious crimes to be back onto the streets. Many feel that if the laws were reform, the crime surrounding it will be decreased.

Recently in California, and effort has been made to help reform marijuana laws. On November 2, 2010, the residents of California were giving the option to vote on marijuana laws. If it would if passed, it would have legalized various marijuana-related activities. That in turn would allow the local governments to regulate these activities as well as impose and collect cannabis-related taxes. Proponents of Proposition 19 argued that it would help with California's budget shortfall, which is the state that accumulated the largest amount of debt in the United States. The act was voted down by a close vote of 53.7% of the population voting no to the act.

Currently in North Carolina there have been a few measure being placed to reform marijuana laws. The last one was the North Carolina Medical Marijuana Act. In summary, the proposed law state that a qualified patient or caregiver shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege if the possession of or the medical use of marijuana if the quantity of marijuana does not exceed an adequate supply. The bill was passed in the first reading in the House and referred to the Committee on Health on Apr. 13, 2009. The bill is still currently pending in legislation.

University of North Carolina Students has mixed opinions about reforming the laws of marijuana.

“I’m from Maine where they have modern dispensaries. I think that if they make it less intense. It will be harder to monitor”, said Allie Bifulo, another University of North Carolina at Charlotte attended. “It would make it easier to find loop holes in the system.”

“They haven’t been updated since the 1970’s. So how do you think I feel,” said Miesto sacristy. “You can get thrown in jail for possession or longer then someone who raped someone. There is no logic behind it.”

But students still feel that there will be negative consequences if the laws were reformed.

“It’s a Gateway Drug”, said Lucas Baker. “Like it or not, marijuana use leads to harder drugs including prescription pills, cocaine, and even heroin.”

Some are even apathetic when it comes to reforming the laws regarding Marijuana.

“I don’t feel particular strong either way.” said Bicket.

The debates over the reforming the marijuana laws is going to be a long, slow process.. Many progressive minded people want the reforms to start taking into effect in California, North Carolina and other states. Yet, more rational individual’s fells want the present laws hold strong for many years to come. One can only guess what the effects of crime and the economic potential will be if the laws were reformed. The only that can tell what will happen with the controversy over the illegalization of Marijuana is time.

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