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What to say about me. I'm just an Individual who loves talking about Music, Politics, Social Issues, as well as any and everything Interesting. But Read My Blog and I think you'll get a better picture of me.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to be a Hipster - By Devin K Phillips

For the majority of American’s, there life style is pretty basic. What about the poor young urban demographic that doesn’t want to conform to that. Well, here is a step by step guide how not to conform to masses and into an independence motivated alternative lifestyle w

First off, to have alternative perspective to main stream culture, you will need to have the proper clothing to show that you just don’t want to conform. First you got to work from the bottom up and get a pair of Chuck Taylors or any type of skate shoe to wear. Jordan would make you look like your athletic, running shoes are just lame, and most people who wear boat shoes on a regular basis think that O.A.R. makes quality music. Note, bowling shoes can work in certain situation.

Now you must shop at thrift stores on a regular basis. The prices are cheap, but the real reason is that it is trendy to shop there. Also, shopping at thrift stores is “sticking it to the man” who run the evil corporate clothing giants. If you have the money (which you probably don’t) to shop at American Appeal do so. It is also acceptable to shop at Hot Topic at the mall if you mention that you loved coming here in back in the 8th grade every time you walk through the front entrance.

Now you must have a better music taste then anyone you know. To make that easy, follow the these 7 simple rules when it comes to music.

1 T - Try to listen to as many bands that rip off of Sonic youth as possible. It doesn’t matter if Sonic Youth music sounds like random noises; they were the most experimental band of the 80’s. And if you can name the most bands that copy that experimentation in their music, you’re gold. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you like the bands or not, just naming them is all that matters

- - Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison have to be on your top 10 list of artist. Why? There really is no reason. I do think they are a bit overrated, but there in my top ten list because its taboo if there not. It’s just good to be cliché at times.

- Think that Radiohead and Nirvana are the most influential bands of the 90’s. Whether or not that statement is true or not is not the case, it is clesay to say that about those bands, thus will make that repeative convocation easier

- Pretend to hate mainstream radio pop songs even though you know every lyric to the latest Rihanna songs when you’re driving in the car by yourself.

5 - - Go to a show in a dirty music venue every month. Even if you don’t like the band, go to a show anyway. If not, then the same people you scene at those music venues will think you are dead or something. Remember the smaller the better

- Have an overall general knowledge of hip hop better than the “Stereotypical African American” that is portrayed in the media. That includes underground rap artist, old school hip artist, and a hatred for anyone who rips off of Lil Wayne’s “Music”. Try to listen only authentic disenfranchised black man music like the Wu-Tang Clan, Dr. Dre, or Public Enemy. To be safe, I recommend keeping a copy of N.W.A’s straight out of Compton in your call at all times.

- - Love Dub Step. It’s new, underground and edgy. That’s enough of a reason to illegally download as many D.J.s as possible. Even though it might take you a few years to realize if you genially like it, or the fact the todays music is so horrible that you will cling to the first alternative presented.

Fo Follow these 7 rules, and your process of becoming a hipster can go a lot faster.

FAAlso, try to adjust your film watching as possible. Try to think that until Quinton Tarentino or Wes Anderson personally changed how films were directed in our generation. Try to watch as many movies who got nominated at the Sundance Film festive. Own a few old Clint Eastwood movies. Remember, the more black and white films you seen the better. Also, it is perfectly fine for you to Dress up and go to the latest Harry Potter or Twilight when it comes out in theaters. You should also think that Jonny Depp is the most creative actor in Hollywood. The more stereotypical action movies you watch on a regular basis, the alternative you appear. Note, if you think that Tim Bertin is equivalent to God, then your alternative film watching is set in stone.

For television, try to watch the least amount as possible. Since the main stream media totally sucks, then watching it will make you lame. If you do, I suggest watching from this small list of shows.

Try to watch a lot of adult cartoons, which include, South Park, Family Guy, Archer, or anything on Adult swim. For sitcoms, watch only Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia on a regular basis. The dumb satire on society is perfect for any skinny jean wearing, PBR drinking young adult. Plus Hipsters are supposed to be intelligent, so watch the educational programing that comes on The History Channel, The Travel Channel, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic or any program that makes you learn. You should be fine by watching anything on HBO or Showtime because they actually devote themselves to making quality programing.

Also, try to conform your reading as much as possible. I recommend reading Authors like Hunter. S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk, George Orwell or Allen Kinsey. The more books your read that satire the stupidity of society, the better.

You should also try not to be good at sports. Remember, if you were good at football or basketball in 8th grade, you probably would have started focusing all your time on skateboarding, guitar, or trying to find pot. If you do play sports, try to make them as lest athletic as possible. I recommend disc golf, ultimate Frisbee, or just running.

Smoke Cigarettes. That is the second most hipster thing you can do. I recommend American Spirits, Camal Turkish Golds or Silvers. You gain quite a big of hipster points of you smoke hand rolled cigarettes.

Drink Pabst Blue Ribbon at least once a week. This is the most Hipster thing you can do. I repeat, this is the most Hipster thing you can do. It is the cheapest beer, and you’re probably broke. If they don’t drink Pabst on a regular basis, you use your hipster card A.S.A.P.

Follow these rules, and you will soon become conform to the anti-mainstream demographic of the “Hipster” subculture.

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